March 09, 2009

Frozen Dessert

After a short week of work (only 4 days) Rachel took advantage of what was left of snow to build our annual little snowman before the white powder disapears completely. Now he's resting peacefully in the freezer until we take him out this summer to let it melt in the sun so we can have our moment of snow in the middle of August!
Last Saturday was also Bonne Maman's birthday (Rachel's Grandma) who was celebrating her 88th one. And for this occasion, who was in charge of the dessert? Yeap, that was me! So after Rachel's recipe of "how to build a snowman" it was my turn to do mine for my very first...Paris-Brest! And finally, after checking every 30 secondes in the oven and hoping that the dought would rise properly, the result was pretty cool and I think everyone liked it. But I made some madeleines again anyway in case I would have messed it up!
So, in order to lose all these calories, Sunday's weather gave me the opportunity to put on my sneakers and go run in a serious way. Then I realized that maybe I should have done it before! Now the hardest part will be to pursue the effort et get motivated to lace my sneakers the upcoming weekends. At least now I know that there's 5 miles roundtrip to the bagel store!


Claire said...

J'en commande un pour cet été !

Lionel said...

C'est quoi ce binz, ils sont où les cannelés? Y'a toujours des cannelés normalement !!!

Jabien said...

Ba c'est justement parce que y'a toujours des cannelés que j'ai fait autre chose cette fois-ci. Prochaine étape c'est chouquettes et macarons :o) Miam! Ok Claire on en fera cet été :o)

Claire said...

coool ! ;)

Arlette M. said...

wonderful dessert! and I love the snowman. the best. like your blog, too!

Jabien said...

Thanks Arlette! I think I'll definitely make the Paris Brest again. I was just happy to make it for Bonne-Maman as I know she loves it and how much she likes Jacques Pépin :o)