March 01, 2015

Olaf and the Chouquettes

Another cozy weekend at home that ended with another snow fall to my great delight.
We also went in town to admire the great work of a local artist who makes incredible snow sculptures each year. This year, the younger crowd got a real treat with the creation of an amazing and enormous Olaf.
Speaking of amazing, we also got this lovely photo of Fiona during a cooperative photo shoot...
All this gave us quite an appetite and this was the perfect opportunity to heat up the oven and make some homemade "chouquettes"...

1 comment:

Beverly Mills said...

That is a fantastic snow sculpture! Théo must have loved seeing this giant Olaf. Are you getting some ideas for the next snowfall? Just love this beautiful photo of Fiona! Yum, I could go for some chouquettes, it has been a long time since you made them for me.