November 29, 2011

Long Time, No Write | New Stuff

Well it's been a while again since I last posted something on the blog (one month to be more precise). Still the same things: A ton of working hours (my boss got me a lot more involved with clients that could be...let's say...very demanding), busy at home with projects and maintenance, and of course Théo who requires a lot of attention (but this is the good part of our busy days).
Our latest project in the house: repainting what will become the dining room. With the trim and ceiling almost done, we are now just about to start the walls.We chose to go with a "no voc" paint to reduce the smell of the chemicals that would probably not be the best thing to inhale for Théo. That said, we needed to apply up to five coats (yes 5!) to go over and hide completely the wood color that was there before.
Same stuff for the ceiling: we are just done with coat #4 and finally have a pretty smooth effect....though I might go for a fifth one to just make sure...

Then in between paint jobs and other projects (believe me there are so many - welcome to the homeowner's world) Rachel and I went for the first time away for a couple of days to Lenox, MA without Théo who stayed at his Grandpa and Nany's home. It was a little strange to not have him with us for the first time since he was born but in the end it was a must-do to recharge our batteries. It was a great trip where I discovered one of the most iconic American painters, Norman Rockwell.
And just recently we of course gathered with the rest of the family to celebrate Thanksgiving over at Dave and Bev's place. We were almost a complete crowd, but we all missed Ron's presence and wished he was able to make it (rain check is available for next year Ron :)
And since this day you are supposed to say what you are thankful for, well here is what I AM thankful for: I'm thankful to have such a wonderful family, to have been raised and surrounded by these two people that I call Maman and Papa ; to have my sister and my 2 brothers. I am thankful to have met Rachel and to know the rest of my other family. And finally, I am SO thankful to share the task with Rachel of raising the best little man in the world (yes that would be Théo) who we love so much.

Of course Théo keeps growing and developing. He now:
- knows most of his relatives names: Maman, Papa, Nany, Grandpa, Pati (Papylain), Mamou or Zo (Mamie-Jo), Tata (Sara and Claire). He definitely says something for his Tontons but so far it sounds more like "Tltlutplu" or something like that!
- says animal sounds: Moo, Quack-Quack, Ouhaha (Monkey), Tweet-Tweet, Meow, Oink Oink, Hoo-hoo (Owl), Woof-woof, Coyocoyocoyo (the funniest one aka the rooster)....
- Dances in circles
- Loves sign language
- Counts "2" (not one or three, just "2")
He is just such a funny little character and we discover so many things about him everyday. Rachel and I often say to each other: "did you see what he does/says now?"

Well this is what happened in our life this past month. I hope everyone is doing well and ready to enjoy the holidays that is coming really fast. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrated it.


Arlette M. said...

great blog! and wonderful photos of Theo and BM and all the rest of Theo! And, of course of you two! what color are you choosing for the walls?

Fabien said...

Thanks Arlette! For the wall I'm hesitating between a very light brown (kinda of beige) and a bright pink with green stripes...I guess I'll go with the beige :)