July 04, 2011

1 Year

One year ago, we had the joy and the surprise to welcome Théo into our life. No need to say that this past year has been filled with happiness! Of course there has been a lot of (very) short nights and some (very) long days, but who wouldn't do all of this for their little baby. Now, Théo is a little guy who already knows what he wants and what he doesn't. He likes vegetables (a little), loves his fruit, often asks you to take him in your arms, runs everywhere standing up like a big boy. He likes to dance, go on a walk in his stroller, take a ride on Papa's back, play hide and seek with Mommy. He doesn't like: when another baby takes his toys, going down for a nap, broccoli, somebody touching the piano pedals when playing (he really won't let you do it!), being changed on the changing table, playing on his own!
But don't worry he is still an angel 99% of the time.
Now, if you follow a bit the blog, you already know that today was the fifty second and last shoot of his weekly photo project. So here is a picture with all fifty two photos of the little peanut. Happy Birthday Théo, we love you very very much.

1 comment:

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Théo! xoxo