October 13, 2010

Mommy and Me

Théo is one of the luckiest babies on Earth: he has the best mommy ever. Even though he is a wonderful baby, very calm and so cute, he's still a baby ; which means he is in need of a lot of attention and patience. And so throughout the day, Rachel successfully does the greatest but very tiring job of being a mommy. Between feedings, activities, tummy time, bath time, diaper changes and all the other things that come with it, she can finally find a little window to have some time for her to rest (but not always) or share a nap with our little guy...


Anonymous said...

1. Yes! You are using the sling -- it's great -- isn't it?!
And 2. These pictures are so beautiful. These are some great shots that really show what becoming a mommy is all about. Theo is one lucky little baby to have both of you as his parents.

Rachel said...

Merci mon amour. Je t'aime. Théo est tres chanceux d'avoir un papa comme toi aussi.

Unknown said...

Being a "Mommy" is one of life's most demanding jobs!! and also one of life's greatest joys!!! I can see from these photos that Rachel is enjoying her new role with great love and Théo is benefiting from all this wonderful attention. But both Rachel and Théo are so very fortunate to have you, Fabien, a very thoughtful and caring husband and Papa.

Fabien said...

Kel - The sling is AWE-SOME! It's crazy how Théo feels so comfy in it. He can take such long naps in it! I really love carrying him around with it!
Mon Amour - De rien! You're just THE best!
Mom - I know...aren't they so fortunate? ;0) But you forgot to say that he also has such great grandpa and grandma...not mentioning also his papy and mamie and all his tatas and tontons. Man, he's gonna be so spoiled!

Michelle Engel Bencsko said...

Aw! How beautiful they both are.