April 06, 2009

What's On The Radio?

...podcasts! That's my new things. To stay tune with the world, I decided to search for some smart shows that you can download as podcast. Thanks to Papa now I'm listening to those two french radio shows that basically cover what's happening in the world. It's "7-10" and "La-Bas Si J'y Suis", both on France Inter a french radio station. What! France Inter ? I remember when we were going to our house in Provence, Papa often put that channel which is news and talk shows all day long. We were so bored of it. Meanwhile which 15 years old kid wants to listen to that when the Red Hot Chili Peppers are playing live on OuiFm a rock radio!
But I'm not 15 anymore and I guess I have more pleasure to listen to the news now.

So thanks to technology, I can even put it on my iPod and listen to it on the car radio on my way to work, just like Papa. When I stop at a traffic light I can even look at the car next to me, a huge pick up truck, drove by a 20 years old guy who's listening to a snoop dog song on his 1000 watts speakers, and smile. Am I getting old ?

If anybody has suggestion for some good shows that are podcasted, please let me know and I'll give it a try.

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